Claire School of Dance provides professional dance education in a fun and inspiring environment. Our policies are designed to ensure a safe environment and high quality education for all students. Please review and comply with these studio policies.
Registration in classes Creative Movement is based on age. Enrollment in the Children’s Program is ongoing through January 31st. In order to provide quality instruction, our classes are limited to 10-12 students.
By registering a child for this program, the parent agrees to payment of tuition for the entire school year. If the student does not plan to return in the Spring, the parent must send an email to this effect by November 15th. Students who leave the program early may still be responsible for any remaining payments.
Vacation and holiday dismissal has already been calculated into tuition rates and will not be credited to any account. Credit card payments are available on-line, over the phone, or in our office. All late payments will be charged a late fee of $25. All insufficient funds checks or credit card charges will be charged a $25 fee.
For academic year withdrawals once classes have started:
In cases of serious illness or similar circumstances, or where the School deems it in the best interest of the child to withdraw from class, all unused tuition will be promptly refunded, minus any credit card fee.
For other withdrawals once classes have started, we require one month’s notice for students paying in monthly installments. Except for serious illness or similar circumstances, no withdrawals are allowed after November 15. Parents will continue to be responsible for tuition regardless of whether student attends class.
For students who withdraw prior to the start of classes: There will be a $35 processing fee. For students who withdraw after the start of classes there is a processing fee equivalent to one month’s tuition.
In all cases, prepaid tuition and registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE..
For summer classes or camps:
When the School deems it in the best interest of the child to withdraw from class, all unused tuition will be refunded, minus any credit card fee. In cases of serious illness or similar circumstances, tuition may be refunded if credit toward future classes is impractical. In general, there are NO REFUNDS for summer programs.
In all cases, withdrawal must be IN WRITING via email.
For summer camps and classes, all tuition and fees are nonrefundable.
A child’s sudden lack of interest in class may be linked to several factors unrelated to her dance enjoyment. Parents are encouraged to contact the office to discuss any change in their child’s attitude or behavior.
Creative Movement students may wear a leotard of any color. Dance skirt or tutu permitted. Leggings and t shirts are also acceptable. Boys wear leggings/shorts and t shirt. Bare feet. During colder weather, we do recommend close fitting sweaters. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
We do recommend that hair for all students be pulled back off the face with a pony tail, bun, or headband — anything that keeps hair out of the face.
Classes are occasionally canceled due to bad weather. In such cases, we do not schedule make-ups or issue refunds. The School closes when HISD closes due to bad weather.
MAKE UP CLASSES: If CSD cancels a class due to teacher illness, once a semester we will schedule a make-up class.
The School is not responsible for care of students before or after classes. Students should not be left for excessive time before or after class without prior arrangement with the School.
Parents, legal guardians of minor students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained or illness contracted on school property resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during, or after class.
The school is hereby granted permission to take photographs of students to use in brochures, web sites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional material the School creates. Permission is hereby granted for the School to copyright such photographs in its name.
It is the responsibility of the parent or adult student to be aware of all school activities, including recital rehearsals and performances or dates the School is closed. Such information is posted on our website,, as well as on our bulletin boards. School closings in case of inclement weather will be posted on the school voice mail and the Claire Dance Facebook page. Parents will be notified of last minute closings due to teacher illness or building malfunction via text as well as email. Parents should make sure to “opt in” to receive text messages. This is done on the “contact” page of the family account.
Your privacy is important to us. We do not sell or otherwise share your contact information. Your registration is your “opt in” permission, allowing us to send you text messages. Text messages are only sent to inform families of last minute changes to the schedule, such as cancellation due to teacher illness or weather. You can opt out of text messages by replying “STOP” to any message.