Does your child need extra academic support ? Does s/he need additional challenge? Does s/he or help with executive functioning? Samson Tutoring & Enrichment is a unique program offering individual attention in academic subjects and executive/personal skills via private or micro-sized in-person classes.
Our Tutoring Program
We offer private tutoring in all elementary school subjects, including math, language arts, social studies, art, and science. In addition, we offer classes in French, cooking, and handicrafts. We emphasize multi-sensory, hands-on learning. Our program also includes a focus on personal development and interpersonal skills.
What You Need to Know
Tutoring sessions are available throughout the year. They are generally scheduled in the afternoon during the school year. Slots may be available mornings during the summer, depending on the summer camp schedule.
You can hear what our parents say about us HERE.
Summer Program
Samson Academy’s summer programs for 2025 focus on cooking and handicraft, while including activities that strengthen fine motor control, math skills, and physical coordination. Past programs such as our “arts and nature” summer program have strengthened academic skills studying a different biome and its inhabitants each week through stories and hands-on projects.
We have also offered camp which focus on cultures around the world. In our Up Up and Away! Arts & Imagination camps, students learned about the language, art, culture, and customs of countries in specific areas of the globe.
Activities target skills like handwriting, reading, composition, and math. Also included are art, music, and, weather permitting, outdoor activities. Did we mention that our programs are a lot of fun?
Enrollment in each camp is limited to 4 students, Kinder through Grade 5. Older students may be accommodated. Contact us for information.
We are also able to schedule custom camps. Let us know your area of interest preferred dates and we would be glad to schedule a program.
Who We Are
Roxanne Claire, B.A., J.D., has over 25 years of teaching experience. She homeschooled both her sons from Kinder through high school graduation. On the Dean’s List while in college, both sons have since graduated. One is now an R.N. working at M.D. Anderson; the other earned a degree from UT-Austin’s film school and has his own video post-production company.
Registration or More Information
To register or for more information, call Samson Academy, 713-880-5565, or email us at